Mobile App Prototyping

Non-Profit Brand Prototyping

Project Breif

Problem statement

Entrepreneurship and branding – PURPOSE, LOGO & WEBSITE DESIGN


Organize into groups of 4–5 using synthesis and pattern recognition based on your life intentions.

Design an intention and purpose for a meaningful, fictitious non-profit organization, designingits name, logo, online appearance, simulated interactivity, and site content.


Create an online identity and app for a non-profit organization that delivers/specializes/informs/educates in an aspect of your life intention; the site does not need to be functional.

Concept of the App

Make it easy to search and register for volunteer events. Has built-in friend invite integration to encourage others to join and volunteer.

Designed and created using user studies. Hand-drawn and digital wireframing.

Illustrator for graphical elements, and Justinmind Prototyper for usable navigation 
of prototype.


  • Market Research
  • Company Identity
  • Branding
  • Wireframing
  • Mobile App Prototyping